
Spray deodorant

Spray deodorant

- 4 spoons of baking soda

- 40 drops of mint essential oil

- 2 drops of tea tree essential oil

- distilled water q. b.

Very simple and quick recipe for a fresh and effective deodorant experimented by our friend Natalia!


Put 4 spoons of baking soda in the mortar, add the essential oils and mix everything together.

Pour the baking soda into a 250 ml jar and cover to the brim with distilled water.

Stir well and let it rest for an hour so that the baking soda settles on the bottom of the jar.

At the end, pour the water into a spray bottle, being careful not to stir the bicarbonate too much.

How to use

Shake well before use and use as a normal spray deodorant with one difference .... you will know what the deodorant you use contains !!!

Any white traces on the bottle are given by the presence of bicarbonate.

Thanks to Natalia for sharing her recipe with us! If you also have recipes to share you can do it by filling out this form, to find out about all those who have collaborated to grow this organic recipe book click here.

We also remind you that all the recipes published by "independent" authors have not been personally tested in the LaSaponaria laboratory and therefore, for clarifications and specific information on the formulas, we invite you to contact the authors directly by inserting your comment on this post!

all the ingredients