
Creamy deodorant

Creamy deodorant

- 30g Shea Butter

- 10g Grapeseed Oil

- 3 teaspoons corn starch

- 3 teaspoons Alum stone powder

- 5 Drops Essential tea tree oil

- 5 Drops Lavender essential oil

Below you will find a little recipe tested by the LaStanzaBio girls for a cream deodorant. Here is what Gioia and Silvia tell us: 'We use it every day and I must say that it works! The consistency is supposed to be similar to normal cream deodorants, and if you want, you can carry it in your handbag using a mini box like the one used for cream glosses, for example."


The shea butter and grape-seed oil are melted in a bain-marie.

Using a grinder, further pulverise the alum stone powder together with the corn starch.

When the Shea butter has melted, pour it into the powdery mixture and stir until well blended.

Once the mixture has cooled, add the essential oils.

How to use

Happy snacking!


We would like to thank the girls from LaStanza bio for sharing her recipe with us! If you too have recipes to share, you can do so by filling out this form. To get to know all the eco-bio spignettatori who have collaborated to make this recipe book grow, click here.

We would also like to remind you that all the recipes published by "independent" authors have not been personally tested in LaSaponaria's laboratory, so for clarifications and specific information on the formulas we invite you to contact the authors directly by posting your comment to this post!

all the ingredients