
Mixed skins face lotion

Mixed skins face lotion

- 1 teaspoon of castor wax

- 1 teaspoon of shea butter

- 15 g of wheat germ oil

- 15 g of almond oil

- 30 g of demineralized water or sage hydrosol

- 5 drops of lavender essential oil

- 3 drops of tea tree essential oil

Here's Stefania Maghella's recipe from home: a cream for impure skin! "Impure skin feels oily to the touch, with an excess of sebum, blackheads, and pimples. This cream owes its effectiveness to the presence of essential oils suitable for this type of skin, such as lavender and tea tree." You can find many more in her e-book! Read the interview we did with her!


The water, preferably demineralized or hydrosol, is heated until it's very hot (around 70°C).

In a double boiler, heat the oils, wax, and shea butter until they are completely melted (at a temperature of about 70°C).

Now, very slowly, add the hot water to the oils and butters, stirring intermittently and not too quickly, using a hand blender or electric beaters, until you obtain a thick cream.

Place the container with the cream in a cold water bath to facilitate cooling, and continue stirring.

During this phase, at a temperature of about 40°C, add the essential oils.

You can also use the hand blender again to further improve the consistency.

Store this cream in a cool place (I keep it in the refrigerator) in a glass container for about a month.

How to use

Apply it to damp skin, massaging quickly to aid absorption.

You can also pat it with a towel if needed.

Thank you to Stefania for sharing her recipe with us! If you also have recipes to share, you can do so by filling out this form. To get to know all the eco-friendly enthusiasts who have contributed to growing this recipe book, click here.

We also remind you that all recipes published by "independent" authors have not been personally tested in LaSaponaria's laboratory. Therefore, for clarifications and specific information about the formulas, we invite you to contact the authors directly by adding your comment to this post!

all the ingredients